Sunday, March 29, 2009

Joe's Run

Saturday morning the family all got out to brave the freezing weather for Joe's Run. We all did the 5k along with some friends from my work.....some of my friends who shall remain unnamed turned the 5k into a 1k, but hey, it was freezing. We even got to see a few snow flurries as we ran. Madison got 2nd overall and I came out top 10 in the "fat-girl" division, more politely called the "Filley" division. In my defense, I was carrying one child and pushing another in the baby-jogger, so I was pretty proud of myself. I ran with a new-mom friend of mine from work. It was her first run since having her baby 2 months ago.

Daddy and frozen-banana-hands baby

The Frozen Flowers' Foursome

This is the poor quality picture of baby Flowers. The gray blob in the big black hole is the baby. You can see a white dot above and below the baby and that will be it's arms. You can even see a tiny black spot in the center of the baby that is its beating heart. We already got to hear it, which was amazing since the baby was the size of a grain of rice.

We had a nasty storm blow through Wednesday with some really weird clouds. These pictures don't do it justice. We didn't really get any bad weather here thankfully.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Kegan Just Being Kegan

I worked late Tuesday and didn't get to see Kegan at all, so Madison is always great at sending me videos so I don't miss too much of the sweetness.

This is Kegan teaching her ballerina frog to "ring around the rosie". She was so proud of herself.

We got pictures of Baby Flowers today, but they are in pdf file and I'm not computer savy enough to know how to convert it, so if you are truly desperate to see a picture of our peanut let me know and I'll email it to you. Can't see much, but the baby is about 6weeks and 5days, and you could see arms and a heart beating at 124bpm. That makes it due around 11-14-09.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Party at Gloria's

Monday night a bunch of people met at a local restaurant "Gloria's" to celebrate my good friend Carolyn's birthday (she's a very young 35). We had a great time with a huge turnout. The funniest part was all the kids there. There were a total of 7 I think. All under the age of 2 except for 1. One of the dad's said in lieu of fertility treatments, you should just become a CRNA if you are having a time trying to conceive. Here are a few picts of the family, friends, and children as we ate well and partied hard.

Carolyn (birthday girl) and hubby, Michael
All the kiddos except for Kegan, she was already in bed by the time this picture was taken. She started meltdown mode pretty early. She got really sleepy after her great meal. And before you judge....remember Gloria's is a bar........AND grill!

Carolyn, me, and Kristi with baby Grayson

Sweet party girl tuckered out

One last picture before Daddy wisked our little beast on home for bath and bed

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Sweet Goodnight

Today was a long 12 hour day at work. On those days Madison usually tries to come by with Kegan and we eat dinner together if we can. I work with some great people that usually cut me some slack when Kegan is there so I can spend time with her. It is pretty important to me since she is in bed before I get home so I wouldn't get to see her those days otherwise. After they were gone and my shift was coming to a close, Madison sent me this video. He is such a sweet and thoughtful husband.

Our little parrott who loves her Mama

Monday, March 16, 2009

Trip to the Doctor

Another blog update without pictures.....booooo! But, I'll make up for it next week. I went to the doctor today and confirmed I am infact pregnant. How far along, ummmm, don't know yet. I was offered a sono today to check dates, but Madison was not able to make it there, so I opted to have the sono next week when Madison could be there. So, we will have pictures of the little baby flowers to share next Thursday. I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Kegan's First Sentence

First of all, sorry no video or pictures, but just had to let you knowabout this, becuase it was so sweet. And, before any of you start thinking, yeah right, Aaron was here to witness. Kegan started walking around with her highchair cover (it folds up into a purse-like thing with a handle). I guess it looked like a bag to carry to her. As she walked around with it she would stop and say "bye-bye" as she waved to us. She then took off to the front hall like she was going somewhere. She then appeared in the doorway and looked at us all and said "bye-bye, I love you". My heart melted. It was so sweet. I didn't even know she could speak sentences yet. Guess that is what she hears every morning when I'm off to work. It was super sweet. Ask Aaron it you don't believe me. She really said it.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Big Girl at the Dinner Table

Tonight we had a leisurely dinner at Logan's after an exciting time shopping at Toys R Us. Kegan picked out a few toys, her favorite was the popcorn push know the noisy one we all had as a kid. Kegan is growing in to a true big girl all the time. Tonight, we tried a booster seat for the first time. We had to shift the table closer to her a bit so she didn't fall out the front, but she did really well. I think it may have had something to do with being a little closer to Daddy. He got all the good kisses between bites of food. Lucky!

Ummmm, peanuts. Then throw the shells on the floor!

Oooops, that one was a peanut. I need that back!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What a Wonderful Day!

Today was full of a many good things. It had the whole day off to just hang out with Kegan, and we were busy. We had a good oatmeal breakfast, played a lot, then off to lunch with Daddy and Paran at Yukatan Taco Stand....guacamole....yummy. Stopped in to do a little shopping at the grocery store then a little drive to visit Aunt Kelly and little Brock. Kegan was so sweet with him. She hugged him and would press her cheek to his and even tried to share her Cheerios with him (he didn't seem too interested, he's only a month old). Seeing Kegan with him was reinforcing though that she will make a great BIG SISTER!!!! After many months of impatience, I am finally pregnant. It is still really early, but we are so excited, I can't keep this to myself. Monday I go to the doctor to confirm that everything is ok....had a few issues last month, but so far this one seems pretty normal.

Yippeeee! Little Flowers is in the making.

This is an example of Kegan's sweet moves. She does this great spin, which she of course, didn't do for the video....sorry. She was dancing to the ending song to "Lambchop's Playhouse", she loves that show. Almost as much as "Sesame Street".

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Windy Weekend

Saturday morning, we all headed out to Trinity tails for a morning run. It was WINDY! Kegan and I were moving on the way out, only to turn around straight into a headwind.....whew. There was a lot of walking involved on the way back. Madison was doing a long-run, so Kegan and I hung around on the riverbank waiting for Daddy to finish. Granted, Kegan's hair is usually pretty crazy, but you can really tell how hard the wind was blowing from this picture.

If I just hold on, I don't think I'll blow away

Then today, we just hung around and played in the yard since it was so sunshiny and warm.

Two peas in a pod

Too many sugars Minnie!

Just minding my own buisness over here in the grass......

Aaaah! Sneak attack!

That's enough, Minnie! Too much. I'm leaving.

This was just a sweet picture. I only wish it hadn't come out blurry.

Barking With the Dogs

This is another poor qality video, but it was so cute....again you may have to initially turn your volume down. Kegan was standing at the back door and barking and screaming at Cisco (our dog). If you listen carefully you can hear Cisco and then hear Kegan answers back with a bark or scream, whichever he is doing. They have quite the conversation going on.

The envy of all the kids at school!

This is a picture of Kegan from a few weeks ago getting her first ride in Aaron's new car. I can't help but look at this and wonderful a family vehicle this would make....vroom, vroom baby!

More chocolate please!

This was after Kegan's first taste of M&M's. She is signing "more". A chocaholic like her Daddy.

Hide and Seek

Warning.....turn your volume down. This isn't the greatest video, but it is getting harder and harder to capture great moments on a very mobile child. By the time I stop laughing enough to think...."get the camera", the moments are over. This was just Kegan and her Dad playing hide and seek. She has started this screaming thing as her signal to come out and get her. It is piercing, but so funny once your ears stop ringing.