Sunday, March 29, 2009

Joe's Run

Saturday morning the family all got out to brave the freezing weather for Joe's Run. We all did the 5k along with some friends from my work.....some of my friends who shall remain unnamed turned the 5k into a 1k, but hey, it was freezing. We even got to see a few snow flurries as we ran. Madison got 2nd overall and I came out top 10 in the "fat-girl" division, more politely called the "Filley" division. In my defense, I was carrying one child and pushing another in the baby-jogger, so I was pretty proud of myself. I ran with a new-mom friend of mine from work. It was her first run since having her baby 2 months ago.

Daddy and frozen-banana-hands baby

The Frozen Flowers' Foursome

This is the poor quality picture of baby Flowers. The gray blob in the big black hole is the baby. You can see a white dot above and below the baby and that will be it's arms. You can even see a tiny black spot in the center of the baby that is its beating heart. We already got to hear it, which was amazing since the baby was the size of a grain of rice.

We had a nasty storm blow through Wednesday with some really weird clouds. These pictures don't do it justice. We didn't really get any bad weather here thankfully.

1 comment:

Penny said...

hey... i can't find your number anywhere but want to call. send me an email at pennyphilleyatgmaildotcom with your number if you don't mind. thanks!