Sunday, March 15, 2009

Kegan's First Sentence

First of all, sorry no video or pictures, but just had to let you knowabout this, becuase it was so sweet. And, before any of you start thinking, yeah right, Aaron was here to witness. Kegan started walking around with her highchair cover (it folds up into a purse-like thing with a handle). I guess it looked like a bag to carry to her. As she walked around with it she would stop and say "bye-bye" as she waved to us. She then took off to the front hall like she was going somewhere. She then appeared in the doorway and looked at us all and said "bye-bye, I love you". My heart melted. It was so sweet. I didn't even know she could speak sentences yet. Guess that is what she hears every morning when I'm off to work. It was super sweet. Ask Aaron it you don't believe me. She really said it.

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