So sorry to all the family for not posting in FOREVER!!! Mom and Jen remind me all the time. We have been super busy and I mostly have been super lazy. I have been deep into the first trimester throws. I mostly fall asleep arount 7. It is so pitiful. I can't wait to get some energy back. I have also been sick with a troublesome sinus infection, yuck. The busiest thing of all has been moving into our new house. You guys will kill me becuase I still haven't taken a picture of it. So sorry!! I promise I will once we are finished painting and we get all the paint stuff off the front porch. We started moving back on April 3rd and still haven't finished. It has been super slow going. We haven't sold the other house, so we are not rushing. Madison' s race season started back up, which complicates things a bit too.
check out all this cool stuff
Robin Eggs are good!
Even though we didn't get out of the house, we still got Kegan all pretty in her Easter duds compliments of the great talents of Aunt Alex. It is a beautiful bubble. Thanks!
I'm gonna get you Sterling. You had better run!
Happy girl!

A big update on our big girl, is that Kegan is officially pacifierless. She decided to throw it out of her bed last night, and we decided to not go and fetch it. I always said I would not become a middle of the night pacifier fetching parent and I'm sticking to it. The fact that Kegan's bedroom is now on the other side of the house is a really big motivator to stick to my guns. I sent her to daycare today with her "Mr. Duck" to comfort her during her nap without her pacifier. Wish us luck. She has really done so well with cutting out all the other baby things. Hope we didn't wait too long for this one. So finally some pictures and videos to catch you guys up on what we've been up to.
These pictures start way back on Easter. We had a really busy weekend with our little Minnie waking us up early Saturday morning after she got out of our yard and got attacked by a much larger dog. We doctored her for three days to the best of our ability along with the help of our vet and sadly she passed away on April 14th. She was our special little girl. Kegan adored her. We had her for 9 wonderful years. We buried her just off our back porch because she loved to sit and sun out there and I bought a rose bush to plant for her. I think it'll make her happy. Becuase Minnie was so sick we stayed home Easter day tending to her. It was really rainy too. On a brighter note, Kegan loved her Easter Bunny stuff....especially the candy.

Pretty in Pink!
Swinging with Daddy. Kegan's most favorite thing.
the quality of this video isn't the best. Madison sent it to me while I was at work. This is proof that Kegan is my daughter and loves bugs just like me. She is always hunting ladybugs in our yard.
This is another video Madison sent me of Kegan. Kegan will probably hate me one day for posting this on the internet, but it is just so darn funny. I watch it all the time and can't help but laugh out loud. This is Kegan's daily post-bath naked run. She can do it really good here in the new house since it was mostly empty when this video was taken.
Lastly, yesterday at work I worked in labor and delivery and a friend of mine helped me to get some sono pictures of Peanut Flowers. In this picture he/she turned just before I took the picture, so it is of his backside. We got some good crotch shots too, but it is too early to tell anything and we won't be looking at that anymore either. Wanna be suprised. We are getting pretty good at doing our own sono's so we have to be really careful now, not to slip up and peek.

Video of Peanut kicking and rolling around in there.
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