Is this the picture of the cutest girl in Texas......maybe,
How about the sweetest............perhaps,
What about the stinkiest...........OH YEAH!
Thought I would share our experience with those out there trying to make their little ones well rounded in their food choices. I was looking for another green veggie to feed Kegan and decided to try asparagus. Everyone knows about asparagus stinky pee, but I now have a whole new appreciation for it. Asparagus pee in a diaper is horrible. At least when adults get it we can immediately flush it away. I changed Kegan's diaper three times today swearing it was poopy, only to find it full of extremely stinky pee. Madison said we can't give it to her anymore. She'll be the stinkiest kid in the tri-state area. No one wants to be the parents of the stinky kid. Today we were. Just thought we'd share for anyone else thinking about giving thier little one asparagus. Kinda sad, she really liked it. Maybe we'll just feed it to her on the weekends, so daycare doesn't report us to CPS.

Kegan crawling along with her new ball!
Pricless information.
.....Not that I'm predjudiced or anything, but she is hands down the cutest baby girl in Texas.....Aunt Nikki
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