Friday, August 29, 2008

Kegan's surgery

This morning was Kegan's surgery. Since she was the youngest patient of both doctors today, she got to go first. Great for us since we didn't want to deal with the hungry beast any longer than we had to. Kegan usually gets up about 5:30ish most days, so since her surgery was for 6:45, it wasn't too bad. We just had to make sure Daddy kept her in his arms before surgery so she wasn't tempted to nurse. She got to wear this really cool gown and even got to pick her flavor for her anesthesia mask.

Check out this fashionable purple gown

Daddy playing steal the passie
Ha, I won!

The surgery was relatively fast. About an hour or so, felt like an eternity to me. I was just about to start freaking out when the second doctor came out to talk to us and I was relieved to know that they were done. They called us back to be with her after the breathing tube was out. She was still very sleepy. The wakeup was kind of hard. 45 minutes of uncontrollable screaming and crying. That also felt like an eternity. She eventually woke up. Was pretty frustrated to find that her sucking thumb had been taped down with her IV, but it did have a handy injection port that was a pretty good substitute to suck on. By 9:30 we were on our way home. Kegan was all smiles waving to everyone as we walked through the hospital. Aaaah, almost back to normal. We are now home. I am amazed at how much better she is hearing. Guess we never knew any different, but she reacts to every little thing. Hope that one doesn't bite us in the butt! She is playing and getting into things as usual, just napping a bit more. She looks normal except for a little bloody drainage from her nose from the tear duct stent. She is enjoying the sound of her voice. A lot more chatty.

Kegan waving, but not looking at Daddy taking the picture Kegan really was happy, I swear

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that Kegan's surgery went well! Hopefully that will do it for all the ear infecitons.... how is she doing since Friday? Hate to hear about Madison's neck... has he been back to see how they want to treat it? Let him know we're thinking of him!