Monday, August 25, 2008

Big Girl at School

This morning was Kegan's first day in the toddler group at daycare. She went equipped with a new trick......almost walking. She is picking up on everything so fast. We bought her this shopping buggy toy Sunday afternoon and when she realized it rolled away from her she sat in the middle of the floor crying. She woke up this morning with a new day and a new attitude and decided she could make it work. She started off with three steps behind it this morning and by this afternoon, she could take it the length of the living room. Guess this is just one of the many new tricks she will quickly pick up on. She figures stuff out so fast. Yikes!

And, speaking of yikes. Her other favorite trick is to pull up on the soap dish in the bathtub. We know it isn't the safest trick, but figure she'll quit once she busts her face on that bad parenting? Hey, at least we have the slip-proof padded mat in the tub to cushion her fall and possibly soak up any blood. We aren't totally clueless. I already almost let her swallow the rubber cap to Aaron's doorstop......good one there Mom! I'm not the best at childproofing. Hopefully Kegan will survive until I figure it out. We do, however, own outlet covers and a babygate.....progress! We're getting there. (Kelly, tell Chad to close his eyes for this video. There is baby nudity, he may be offended)