This month, I am ready for my very own bike helmet. Mom and Dad bought me a bike trailer so I can go with them when they bike outside. It is so much fun. My seat is so cushy I can relax and nap while they do all the hard work.
This is me on a typical run with Mom at Trinity Park. It is exhausting. There is so much to see and do there. We get to wave to all the people on the kiddy train at the park. We also stop to say hi to all the ducks at the duck pond. We even get to see racoons and cats eating at the cat feeding place.
This video is the beginning of the crawl. To start I'm just leaning forward than back to sitting, but I'm getting so close. A week after this video was taken, I perfected the crawl. I'm discovering cool things like electrical sockets, computer cords. There is so much neat stuff out there. The world gets bigger every day.
On this day, Kegan went to the doctor for yet another ear infection....this made 4 in 4 months. That bought her an ENT consult. She is scheduled for ear tubes on August 22. I had to post this picture becuase it was so sweet. I stopped at the store after the doctor visit, and this is what I found when I got home. The two of them just melt my heart.
Paran Aaron was in town this weekend hunting for an apartment. He is moving here next month after he graduates from LSU!! He will be working as a project administrator at Daddy's company, MEDCO Construction. Mom had to work Sunday, so it was me with Daddy and Paran. In the morning Daddy volunteered at a kids triathlon in Dallas, so I got to spend some quality time with Paran at the race. It was cool to see all the kids racing and being cheered on by their families. I may have to try that someday. We had such a great time playing all day. They are so silly. They were cracking me up. I think I may have my Dad's giggle disease. As you can see I have giggle fits just like him. After we played and played and played, we went to have lunch with Mom at the hospital. It is such a treat to see her during the day. I love playing with her funny hat she has to wear at work.
I'm so glad you found our blog too!! I'll definitely call you either today or tomorrow! Ron and I think of you guys often and wonder how you are. I can't wait to catch up...
Oh, and by the way, your little girl is adorable...
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