So this is almost akward to make a post after being absent from blogging this long. I first was having some great frustrations after we updated our browser and I couldn't edit the blog as easily. I am still having issues, but I am learning to work around them. First of all the main reason I have not been blogging is this......

I am harboring a new little choice, but since mid January until now I have been able to muster enough strength to attend work and that is about it. The nausea is finally starting to subside. We are super excited to add another wonderfulness to our family. Kegan asks every day if she can see the baby. Oh, and for all you who hated our suprises with the first two.....we will be finding out the sex of this one by ultrasound. So in about 6 weeks we will hopefully have that announcement.
I am also an amature sonographer and this is a little video I took of our lil punkin. I try to check on it every chance I get. It pays to work around cool equipment and machines sometimes.

A beautiful day on the porch and a snack fit for princesses

.....and just 2 days later we had to dig my car out of the snow. Strange Texas weather......if you ever don't like it just wait around a bit and it'll change.

And with all the crazy changing weather, poor Truly has been sick a lot. We have done several rounds of anitbiotics, but nothing seems to last.

Kegan did try her best to help Truly feel better, "Now Truly you don't feel good and need to see the princess dentist. Lay right here"

Kids always say the darndest things. Kegan dressed her and Truly's arms out then proudly exclaimed to Madison "look Daddy, we look like Pan". Aaron did apologize for any future decisions they may make regarding getting tattoos.

Apparently a DVD box also makes a great sleve tattoo.

Truly sometimes just can't wait until her after lunch nap. This day she didn't even make it to lunch.

We have another new little addition to the family. "Prof" a sweet little corgi puppy given to the girls by their Nana and Pop Flowers. The girls adore him and he loves them.

My 2 little party animals all ready to hit the jumphouses???

Kegan's other new trick is dressing herself like cousin Kelly. This day she picked a slip and rubber boots. Very proud!
Another darling outfit she was very eager to pose for.

Kegan will you dry my hair?

Sure Toots, no problem.
Daddy is a silly guy!
These girls love to play and will make a game out of anything.
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