Wednesday morning, November 4th, I had a doctor appointment and everything was ok, but my blood pressure was still borderline and I was starting to spill protein in my urine which meant the Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH), was getting a little worse, but still not horrible. The kicker was that my cervix was still completely closed and the baby was still high, which meant all the contractions that I had been having were doing nothing and meant, they probably never would......I hate it when the doctors are right. I was really hoping for a vaginal delivery this time, but conceded to another c-section. Funny thing was that my contractions really picked up once we got to the hospital, but I wasn't fooled, they had been doing that for weeks. We went back to the OR about 1:04pm and we had our little suprise at 1:30. They tried to fool us by saying we had some extra parts, but when I asked "really, it's a boy", they said nope, another girl.....we were so happy. I think we were both secretly hoping for another sweet girl since our first one is turning out sooooo good. She is a chunk compared to Kegan. She weighed 7lbs 15oz, and is 19in long. She has a head full of dark hair too, just like her sister did. Weird how we make dark headed babies. Kegan for sure didn't stay that way since she is now quite the cotton top.
Since Aaron works at the hospital where we had Truly, he stopped by a lot before and after the surgery. He even picked up Kegan and brought her home and fed her and put her to bed by himself. He is such a great brother. Mom and Dad were racing on their way from Louisiana and got to the hospital about 8pm....I think. I had a Demerol epidural infusion going that was making me very loopy. I was so happy to have that thing gone by morning. Kegan was so excited to meet her new baby sister that afternoon. She was soooo cute. She held Truly all by herself and would pat her and say "shhh-shhh". When Madison would try to help, she would say "stop, no Daddy". Miss Independent.
By Friday morning, I was done with hangning out at the hospital and begged for them to let me go, so I had my staples pulled and we were out the door with our new little one by 10am. It was nice.

Ready to go!

Going in for number 2 baby! It was funnier then, guess you had to be there?

Dr. Holmes caught a fish, wait a minute. No, that's just our baby girl!!!!

Cheesy Baby!

Ahhhh! Success!

Proud parents of two sweet girls! Our sweet little family!

"Hi Truly"

Truly came back from the nursery with a mowhawk. I don't know about some of those nurses.

Beautiful sunny day to come back home.

Chillin with mommy in my new pad.
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