Our Halloween started the day before with Kegan getting to wear her costume to school for the day. That evening they had Fall Festival at school, which we went to for a little while. It didn't start until 6:30, which is the start of Kegan's bedtime routine, so she didn't last very long. One good things from it was an older girl in her class showed up at the same time wearing a bee costume and had on the wings and antennae, which Kegan refused to wear that morning. But, after seeing the older kid doing it, it was the coolest thing ever and we have now added the antennae to her play toys....she loves to wear them. Kegan won a whole 2 liter of Sunkist at one of the games and double dipped on all the candy. Even indulged in a little popcorn, which her mom was happy to finish off.
Pretty Bee without her wings.

Check out this tutu! Isn't it pretty!
Halloween night our friends Brooks and Mandy joined us with their little girl Laura Beth. Even though Laura Beth is only 4 months old, she fit into
Kegan's costume from last year, so they loaded the two trick-or-
treaters in the double stroller and off they went to get some loot. I did not go and stayed home on the porch in case we got some kids at our house....which we didn't bummer. Madison said
Kegan was pretty funny and would say "trick-or-treat" all the way up to the houses, but then would just quietly wait for her candy. One house she put her basket down and went in double-
fisted to grab her own candy, and at another one shut the door on the lady as soon as she gave out the candy.....a little rude, but guess it worked. We'll have to work on that for next year.

Wearing her whole outfit for the big night!
(as you can see, the ribbon on the bodice of the suit didn't make it past the day at school, oh well guess this is only a one time wear thing)

Our two little monsters posing with Brooks.

Ummmmm! now to enjoy the loot!
The next morning Kegan started walking around the house saying "cheese", which usually means she wants some snack cheese. Took us a while, but she was wanting us to take pictures of her, I guess because we had taken so many over the last couple of days. It was so cute, she kept moving around the house and posing in different places and saying "cheese". Here is some of her recent work from her portfolio.

Mom! your butt is ruining my shot!

How about here Dad!

Oooh, and here?! I like it!
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