I wish you could see more of the gown Truly has on in these. It was specially made for our children by Madison's sister Alex. Kegan came home in it and so did Truly. It is a beautiful gown and we plan to wear it as often as we can. Kegan never got much wear out of our pretties from Alex becuase she spit up so badly. Truly does much better, so we are breaking them out and having fun!!
This dress is one handed down from Alex that was made for her girls. Truly looked like a little sleeping angel.
The two previous pictures I posted just because I when I saw the picture of Truly, it immediately reminded me of this one of Kegan. So here they both are for comparison. Note that it took Kegan 3 months to chub up enough to compete with Truly at 2 days old.
This is Truly all packed up on our first outing.....to the doctor. Four days old and hate the carseat already....still does today.
Kegan showing Truly the art of rocking while watching TV. Notice that Kegan has reclaimed her slumber-bear, so thankfully Truly got a sleep-sheep for a gift.
This is what you look like after convincing Daddy to run around in the rain with you and then indulge in peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches for lunch.
Aahhhh! The peace of a good swaddle. I love these things. They sure make life a lot easier!