In April, Madison did the New Orleans 70.3 Ironman, so we took some time to visit my family and his while we were so close. Kegan got some quality time in with her cousins. We even celebrated Ava and Evan's birthdays. This is a picture of the clothes changing bomb the girls set off in Ava's room. They actually didn't even fight. They had the best time. Kegan is still asking to see Ava. She sings songs about her a lot too.

The Ava is a Kegan original

After school sometimes, Daddy treats the girls to 7eleven treats. Kegan has already downed her M&M's by this point, but Truly is still very proud to be working on her Blowpop she picked out.
This is how Truly entertains herself while Kegan is at dancing. The rolls of floor mats are great to climb on.
After a good lunch by Daddy, it is so hard to stay awake for Elmo on Sesame Street. I've never seen her do this. So sweet.
Madison always captures the best picutres that make me smile. He sent me this one when I was stuck late at work.
And this was my morning "hello"
This is the beginnning of the transition which led to the super cheese in the previous picture. Truly got her ear tubes changed out for a long-term set and got her adenoids out. She has been snotty since October and we thought she was just a moody child. Turns out she is super happy all the time and just full of cheesy smiles. She is a different toddler since her surgery.
Sesame Street on Versed must be like Led Zepplin on LSD?

but, after a nap and some good snuggling, was back to normal
Kegan the daredevil at a race this morning. There was a cool inflatable obstacle course and Kegan did it about 10 times. I didn't know if she was big enough, but she sure showed me!Sweetly waiting her turn to head out on the obstacle course! our sweet little big girl!
And then there is Kegan's newest musical talent of harmonica playing. Madison got a little one in his race bag from the Miss Blues marathon in January. That darn thing has just surfaced and Kegan is having a blast. She plays and Truly dances. Madison said there was much better performances before this one, but this was all he captured. Still cute.
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