Disneyworld is awesome! I don't know who had a better time, us or the kids. I am so glad Madison and I went 3 years ago and did all the adult stuff, because it was so great to devote this whole trip to seeing Disney through the girls' eyes. I wish I knew how to covert our DVD of Kegan's first view of the castle to a format for the blog....it is priceless. 8 days was the perfect length for a first time visit. We had plenty of time to do what we wanted to do and we could squeeze in much needed naps without feeling like we were missing out on anything. Kegan was a bit scared of the fully costumed characters at least when it came time for hugs, but the real-looking people she loved (princesses, Alice, and Mary Poppins). Truly may not have any memories of the trip, but she loved being there. She actually was awake for more parades and fireworks than Kegan.

Princess Kegan ready for Disneyworld!

Truly getting hydrated for the big-long day

Ava showing Kegan all about Skymall

the well-hydrated Truly is conserving her energy for Disney
last-minute review of Disney movies to maximize the Disneyworld experience

Ahhh, made it to Orlando, now for the bus ride to our hotel

1st order of buisness, get to the castle. This was us trying to settle Kegan enough for a picture infront of the castle.....impossible. She was so excited!

That night we had dinner at the Hoop De Doo Restaurant. It was a great dinnershow. Jennifer made these awesome "Jessie" outfits for the girls. Sweetest thing was when we met the others at the airport in New Orleans, Kegan and Ava immediately began walking hand in hand. It was so cute. After 3 days together, those feelings kinda faded and the tattling and little diva attitudes began to reign, but they still had plenty of fun too.

That night, we headed back to Magic Kingdom for the Wishes fireworks and the girls were ready...glowsticks in hand.....

then, Kegan fell asleep and missed the whole thing:(

The castle was even more beautiful at night all light up with icicles for Christmas.

The next morning we were out to Epcot for breakfast with the princesses. Our little princesses again all decked out thanks to Nanny Jennifer.

Even Evan had cool tshirts everyday. He was toughing it up with his Mickey pirate shirt since he had to go the the girly breakfast.

I'm so glad they give you time to eat before the princesses come out becuase once Kegan got a glimpse of Snow White...it was all over.

Ava was so sweet with all the characters. She's been to Disney so many times, I think she feels like she is one of them. She just jumps right in with hugs and kisses for everyone. Truly and Kegan, not so much.

Truly managed to even sit long enough for a glamour moment with Cinderella

Ariel was great. They amazingly capture the personalities of all the characters. I think the girls enjoyed talking to her the most.

Sadly, we were so caught up with the princesses, that we almost forgot we were supposed to be celebrating Kegan's birthday. She finally got her cupcake and enjoed eating the Mickey gummies and sprinkles.

after the tummies were all full and everybody princessed out we headed to Nemo and had fun looking at all the cool sea creatures and talking with Crush the turtle

Oh, no Bruce ate everyone!

Truly loved sitting on the ledge by all the tanks. It was like the seat was made just for her. (and yes, I am wearing Kegan's crown. everyday I somehow would end up wearing her hair accessories...crowns, mickeyears, bows and hairbands. i remember begging my mom to cut my hair so I didn't have to wear bows and barettes anymore, hope she never does that to me. I love those blonde curls)

I don't know what Ava told Kegan for this one, but Daisy is the only character Kegan let get close enough to her for a picture. She was kinda scared on this one, but settled down for some reason on this one?
What a blast!! Can't wait to take Delia one day! 8 days - y'all are hard core!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures! They all look so darn cute in their outfits! So glad y'all had a great time, I knew you would!
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