Monday, October 18, 2010

More of Our Monkies at the Zoo

A week before we headed to the zoo with my parents, we went with a few friends from work and their kids. The kids all loved it. I think Kegan would be perfectly fine if we went every week. Next year we are getting a yearly membership for sure.
All the kiddo's checking out the turtles and crocodiles, even Truly had a blast since she was able to get out of the stroller and cruise around

Kegan posing with the boys, Trey and Grayson

Some more posin with the boys, poor Truly was zonked and not interested in pictures

Trey trying to show his Dad the aligator and Kegan looking so sweet and innocent???


Hey guys, you see this big thing?

Truly and her sweet dimples looking at the fish

Wonder if mom would be smiling if she knew about her friend hanging around for the picture???

Two of my sweeties. Aren't they so cute!

This is an extra thrown in. I cut Kegan's hair this past Saturday. I have been dragging my feet about making her a real appointment and when I was drying her hair, I was tired of it being so scraggly in the back. It is probably not straight, but thankfully her hair is curly. It does look much better, just hope I remember to make her an appointment for her 2nd haircut. Almost 3 years old and getting her first haircut.

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