So, 3 months after Truly was born, I'm finally gonna get back to this blogging thing. Unfortunately, my OCD requires me to keep things in order, so we'll have to start way back at Thanksgiving to get back to the present. True to the second child, I don't have very many pictures of Truly....or Kegan for that matter. I haven't had professional pictures made since last Christmas....I'll get on it, eventually.
Thanksgiving 2009 was one of the best in a long time. We usually get some of my mom's family here, but this was our biggest Thanksgiving ever in Texas. My sister and her kids were here as well as my parents. Aaron lives with us, so that was awesome to have us all together in one house for an entire week....really, I'm not joking. It was so great to have everyone together.
The day before Thanksgiving, we all loaded up and went to see the "Grinch" ice exibit at the Gaylord Texan. It was really neat, but also really cold. We all really underestimated how cold 9 degrees was. Even with the huge parkas it was borderline miserable for Louisianian's and Texan's to bear. Kegan refused to lift her head from where she had it snuggled in her Dad's chest the entire time.
Thanksgiving 2009 was one of the best in a long time. We usually get some of my mom's family here, but this was our biggest Thanksgiving ever in Texas. My sister and her kids were here as well as my parents. Aaron lives with us, so that was awesome to have us all together in one house for an entire week....really, I'm not joking. It was so great to have everyone together.
The day before Thanksgiving, we all loaded up and went to see the "Grinch" ice exibit at the Gaylord Texan. It was really neat, but also really cold. We all really underestimated how cold 9 degrees was. Even with the huge parkas it was borderline miserable for Louisianian's and Texan's to bear. Kegan refused to lift her head from where she had it snuggled in her Dad's chest the entire time.

This was the position Kegan immediately assumed as soon as we entered the exhibit

Far away from that scary Grinch, everyone relaxed and enjoyed the train. Evan is so excited, can't you tell?
Our Thanksgiving feast was at the France household in Grapevine. My Aunt Nikki and kids were there, along with my Aunt Julie and Uncle Bert and my Grammy and Grampy, all visiting from Louisiana. So we then added all the France kids and then everyone from my house. And if that didn't make for a huge enough Thanksgiving, my cousin Matt's in-laws, the Hughes', joined in for our family fun! It was a wonderful, beautiful, fun day. Nanny and Uncle Tommy had everything set up so nicely. Thanks to the France's, as always, for hosting another great Thanksgiving feast.

Nanny and Uncle Tommy, our wonderful Thanksgiving hosts!
Nana spending quality time with her 2 sweet granddaughters. Ava isn't quite used to having to share her Nana.
Me and Truly hanging with cousing Jeff
the three of us together like the good 'ole days, good for them, but I seem to remember repeated torture and embarassment from these guys. And they look so innocent now.
Sweet brother-in-lawly love. Awwwwww, how cute!

everyone's watching Grammy clean up, making sure she gets it all
The Autin's. Together at last.
Kegan rocking and relaxing after a big meal

Trouble on wheels! make that Double-Trouble on wheels! Hannah did a wonderful job entertaining the girls. They had the best time playing with her....when she wasn't kicking Evan's butt.

And lastly, my two favorite women, Grammy and Mom! I love you guys!
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