So after another 2 weeks, we had our lives very unexpectedly turned upside down. Madison was laid-off from his company. The company had been doing lay-offs for a few months, but after 7 years of loyal service, we naively considered ourselves safe!! ha,ha. September 11 Madison and I were carpooling becuase his truck was in the shop. I then dropped Kegan off at daycare so I could go to my OB appointment, Madison went to work, just like any other day. About 11 I got a text saying that the VP who was in charge of the Friday lay-off ritual was there.....I suddenly got a sinking feeling. I didn't hear anything else about it until 12:30 when Madison came through the door to tell me the bad news. His manager drove him home since he didn't have his truck and he didn't want me driving to Dallas worrying. It was awful. His company had never planned for a major lay-off and are handling lay-offs more like firings. There is no severence, no job search assistance, no warning, just get to keep your PTO, turn in your phone, we are shutting your computer off in 30min, heres a box, take your time, but hurry and get out. Sort of left us numb feeling like we had done something wrong, but we were assured we hadn't.
On the bright side, friends, co-workers, and family all rushed to our aide. Madison got phone call after phone call with job leads, encouragement, and prayers. It was amazing! Thanks to everyone who came through for us. The saddest part was pulling Kegan out of daycare. She loves it there. We have been sending her back about once a week when Madison goes on interviews and she has lots of fun.
Madison and Kegan have been enjoying lots of quality time at home and are getting a lot of projects completed between playing and job searching. I get daily video or picture updates of what they are up to. I've been trying to work extra some to help out with finances, but at this point in my pregnancy that hasn't been easy. I do good to just get my 40 hours in each week. Madison has been staying positive and is really working hard at finding another job soon. We are muddling through the land of COBRA and insurance mess trying to figure out the best way to go with a baby on the way in less than 2 months. It is an emotional rollercoaster, but with God, family, and friends, we are making it through just fine with our chins up. I am blessed to be married to such a wonderful man who sacrifices so much for our family.
Here are some pictures and videos of the fun they have without me.
Fun with Daddy in the park after a long run! It was in the low 60's and this is what daddy thought Kegan should wear. She was freezing, but having a blast still. She insisted that she get out of the babyjogger and run. She ran about 1/4 mile with her Daddy in Crocs, so we have since purchased some appropriate running shoes for her which she loves.

Kegan practicing her big sister kisses on Laura Beth
On their first day at home this was my morning greeting from Kegan at Daddy Daycare. Daddy made muffins....yummy!
splashing is so much fun
monkey gets a bath in the kitty box lid.....hey whatever works!
Kegan insisting on holding Laura Beth who is almost as big as her. She is super sweet....the both of them.
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