So here are a few random pictures and videos taken over the last couple of weeks with my phone, so the quality isn't the best and I apologize that the videos are very short. I have to keep them extremely short so I can text them to Madison. It is how we keep from missing too much of Kegan when the other one can't be there.

This is just Kegan being Kegan. A whole lot of silly.

This is Kegan sporting her cute pig-tails and dress from Nana Autin. Notice she is eating the wonderful ice-pop her mom makes for her. Hey, she doesn't complain and there is not mess to clean. Doesn't get better than that right....well she doesn't know that yet. Don't tell her either. I have a good thing going!

Ummmm, I detect a hint of strawberry, no, nevermind. That's just some jelly left on my finger from lunch.

Notice Sterling trying to sneak a lick.

Is this cute or what?

As you can see, we spend a lot of time playing on the porch. It is the best feature of our house. It stays relatively cool and allows some good shaded play space.

This is Kegan entertaining herself before dinner is served by eating grated parmesean cheese with a fork. Her Daddy taught her to lick the fork and get the cheese to stick to it. Kinda gross, but it works to tame the beast before the meal arrives.

This past weekend we traveled to San Angelo for a race. This is Kegan passing out in the car waiting on her Dad to collect his award so we can head back home. She is always so exhausted after his races. She has the best time watching all the athletes swim, bike, and run. It is so much fun to watch how excited she gets. She is sure to be an athlete like her Daddy. She even gets excited to watch biking and other random sports on TV.
These are just some short videos I sent to her Dad on a rainy day to show him how much fun she was having splashing in the puddles on our front walk.
This video is cute, if you turn up the volume, you can hear her singing as she walks. She is quite the singer. Don't understand most of her songs yet, but she is getting better all the time.
Kegan has worked really hard at getting Cisco to like her and he will actually let her pet him now. This is how that slick thing has tamed the beast. Bribery with food. She has learned quickly.
Kegan loved running back and forth on the porch. She will run all the way across the front and then stop and ask if she can do it again. She is so funny. She did get a little distracted at the end of this run by a puddle on the porch. Her Daddy will have to work with her on her focus during training.
1 comment:
Will we see you in Tuscaloosa this weekend?? The girls need to meet!
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