Saturday one of Madison's co-workers and good friends had a Fajita Memorial Day party. They have a pool and it was the first big pool Kegan ever got to swim in last year. She was excited to go back. She swam for about 2 hours even though the water was a bit chilly. She was a little blue and shivering, but refused to get out. We had to pretty much drag her out kicking and screaming when it was time to go home. I probably overdid the photos, but you can't have to many pictures of pure joy can you? 
Same people, same time last year. What a difference a year can make!
Burrrrrr! T-t-t-that's s-s-s-so cold!
Chillin, literally, at the side of the pool. I think her teeth were actually chattering. You can almost hear them.
Should that dog really be swimming that close?
Can't catch me now doggy!
Let's get ready to Superman!
Faster than a speeding bullett!
Motorboat, motorboat, go so slow! Daddy's tired.
This is about the hundreth jump into the pool. Some of the enthusiasm is gone. You can see Beau, the dog, in the background. Kegan learned to say "Beau" really well. Then she would say "Awwww puppy"
This is about the hundreth jump into the pool. Some of the enthusiasm is gone. You can see Beau, the dog, in the background. Kegan learned to say "Beau" really well. Then she would say "Awwww puppy"

Kegan "enthusiastically" modeling her cute outfit from Nana Autin! She really does like it. Check out the thighs on this kid. I could just eat them.
Helping Daddy mow on Sunday
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