Thank you Mom for these pictures as well as all the pictures of Kegan from my previous entry. I have missed so many moments on camera lately. I find myself not wanting to step away and miss them to get the camera, so I just stay there and enjoy it for myself. One of the best recently missed moments was Madison and Kegan splashing in puddles on our front walk after we watched the rainstorm pass by from our front porch. They had such a good time Daddy went out and bought Kegan some purple ladybug rain boots the next morning and they searched the yard for good mud puddles to splash in in their boots. I guess you guys will just have to imagine. Sorry.
And now for the much awaited pictures of the house. Not too many of the interior because it is not really picture worthy yet. Lots of settling yet to do.
The front of the house

More front of the house

Back of the house

Side and back of the house
Side and front of the house
The side and front of the house. Yes our vehicles all sleep outside. The previous owners converted the 3car garage into a master suite and never got around to building shelter for their vehicles. Not too good with the frequent hailstorms we get here, so definitely something on our "to do" list after we sell our other house.
Another view looking out across our front yard. There is actually a lot more yard, 2.6 acres in all, but most of it is uncleared mesquite trees and brush.
Kegan's playhouse. Her sandbox is on the bottom. Madison wants to put a slide eventually off of it. Kegan will love that. It is pretty cool that the previous owners built a ramp which makes it easy for little people to get in without having to climb.

Our front porch looking out! So relaxing!

Our view from the kitchen across our dining area into our living room. We have a formal dining area, but are considering using it for a playroom to keep small kiddos from going upstairs. We decided to go with green for the living space mostly because I love green. Most of our old house was various shades of green. Everyone kept commenting on the commercial with crazy kids and the soothing effects of their parents painting the room green. Haven't seen that effect ever. Kegan is rambunctious as ever. Such a sweetie.