Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Since our latest blog.....

It has been a while since my last blog entry, but we have been a little busy and preoccupied. We are trying to buy a new house, which led to us needing to sell our house and so on and so on. We weren't really looking, but while I was doing some last minute Christmas shopping, I happened to pass by a house we had dreamed of owning one day. It was for sale and we decided to "just check it out". It has turned out to be a super deal that we are really happy with. The house is a little larger than we need right now, but the property is an absolute dream. It is 2.6 acres in the city limits (only a mile from our current house). We really like where we live since our commutes are really easy into work. We will still be 6 miles from Six Flags, the Rangers' stadium and the new Cowboys' stadium. Kegan can even have a horse one day. We just had the house inspected today, so here are some pictures we took while we were there.

Kegan and her Daddy enjoying the swing (already there, how convenient)

Part of the backyard from the back porch, note the two sheds, playhouse, and swing. All ready to go

The other half of the backyard

The side yard full of mesquite trees

Half of the front yard, you can see the stone entrance with iron gate. there is an iron fence along the entire front of the property

Front porch

side porch

back porch

inside of the red shed, junky, but has great potential (in Madison's eyes, it's just a shed to me?)

This is one of the bedrooms, pink? That may have to change. We'll see

The view from one of the guest bedrooms. All the windows have these great wooden plantation shutters

The two halves of the "jack and jill" bathroom that connects the kid's rooms

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