It's HOT PINK!!! Today Kegan went to get her new cast. Of course it was right at her nap time and she was an absolute beast. She flailed the entire time they were putting her hot pink cast on. You would think she would be excited to have that colorful new toy attached to her arm. It's much harder than the other one. She went straight to bed for a nap when we got home. I woke her up after only an hour because I wanted her to sleep tonight, so I couldn't really get any good pictures becuase she was doing so much crying and carrying-on.

unfun bathtime with a cast
Since we are weaning Kegan from her pacifier, she has resorted to using her babydoll bottles
Happy bedhead Wednesday morning (just thought it was cute so had to throw it in)
We had a great family weekend together. Saturday the temperature was in the 80's so we took advantage and went for a run on the Trinity Trails. Kegan worked so hard riding in her jogger that she insisted on drinking half of my Gatorade. She spit up purple for the next hour. I think she may have overdone it.

Sunday morning Kegan learned a new trick. She can get food into her mouth using a spoon. She has been playing with it at mealtimes for a while now, and was starting to put it in her mouth, so we loaded it with food, and she can do it. Not too good at scooping it herself, but it's a start. After that we went back to the Trinity to run but this time the temperature was in the 30's. Big difference a day can make.
The self feeding was going great until "Elliot Moose" came on TV. Then she was just distracted

Kegan New Year's Day watching the view from Paran Aaron's balcony. It was so breezy. Kegan loved it.

This was Kegan taking her Daddy for a walk at a rest stop on our way home from Christmas vacation. I think it is such a sweet picture. One of my favorites.
This video is from a while back. Kegan started straining and turning bright red, just becuase we laughed I suppose. It was so funny. You can't really tell the impressiveness of the color she turns. It was funny to us. Guess you had to be there.