Well, what new tricks can Kegan do now? She may be a gymnast since she is already practicing flipping off her changing table. I know there is a warning on the changing pad....Do Not Leave Child Unattended!, but really who listens to that.....Obviously not us. This morning Madison had Kegan ready for morning diaper change and realized he forgot her eardrops in the bathroom. She was lying there half asleep....or so he thought. He entered the room just as she face planted into the floor. Miraculously, her face and neck were ok. She was however, refusing to put weight on her right arm. You could squeeze it and move it all around with no pain. She even used it to play, but when she pushed up to stand, she'd holler a bit. I felt very uneasy about it so Madison brought her in the the ER at Cook's just to have it checked out....probably nothing, right......WRONG! It's a broken radius. A "buckle" fracture to be exact. It is a non-displaced fracture that only bends and hurts when pressure applied to the end of the bone causing it to flex at the fracutre point. That's why it didn't hurt to touch or bruise and swell. Madison's spirit is the only thing bruised. He's beating himself up pretty bad. I keep telling him that we will do many more stupid things as parents, we are just fortunate kids are pretty tough. After all, if crack-heads can raise children, we should be able to right? Kegan tried to make her Daddy feel better by showering him with kisses and hugs all day. She was extra kissy today. I love that!Hate I missed them all while I was at work. I did get to visit them in the ER for a bit while I was waiting for my first case to start. Conveniently the children's hospital connects to my hospital by a skybridge, so I just walked over.

Wonder if she'll become ambidextrous since she can't use her right hand as well?

I want some kisses!
Kegan on the other hand is fine. Now that her arm is stabilized, she doesn't even know anything is wrong. She just thinks she has a new toy. It is great fun to hit her cast on things and pretty funny to bonk yourself in the head with it. She even walks around pretty good with it. She just has a temporary cast now. She'll get the pretty one Monday. Apparently no one puts casts on over the holidays. So we will wait. Who needs a cast for the holiday anyway. I think the hardest part for Kegan will be no baths. She lives for bathtime. We'll have to get crafty and figure something out.
Kegan getting along just fine
Even getting into messes without any trouble at all
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