We had another productive weekend. Saturday morning we started off early with a run at Lake Grapevine's Horseshoe Trail. Me and Kegan put in 5 miles and Madison about 14.....I know, he's sick that way. It was great to have Kegan with me, she sang and cheered me on the whole way. I really needed motivation to make it up those hills. Everyone would just laugh and smile as we passed by, they could all hear us coming with Kegan's singing. She was so cute. When we got home Aaron and Madison worked on the sunporch. We are finally moving the computrainers out of our bedroom. It'll be much better when our friends are over riding, not to be sweating and stinking up our bedroom anymore. I'll post pictures when it is done.
Today Kegan really showed off how much of a big girl she is becoming. She ate chicken for lunch and fish for dinner. She actually enjoyed her finger foods more than the pureed for a change! She even looked like such a big girl in the pictures I took. Tonight I got a special treat and was able to bathe Kegan and put her to sleep while Madison mowed the lawn. I could not believe that when I went to undress her for her bath, she actually stepped each leg out of her shorts. I almost cried! That is a big girl thing. She's too little to do that, right? Madison said she started doing that last week and forgot to tell me!!! Wonder what else he's forgotten?

Happy with a full tummy after dinner
What do you suppose I'll do with this?
Oooooh, when I bite it, it lights up!
Silly towel head
The real big girl (doesn't she look sooooo old)
Showin off those teeth again
clap-happy fun
My sweet blue eyes!
Oh, my, almost forgot the biggest news of all! Friday Kegan started saying "Mama". The first time I thought it was a fluke. The second time Madison and I were on the phone as he drove home from work and he witnessed it. She has been saying it all weekend. I am soooo excited!
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