Today Kegan and I spent the day on the town running errands. We started off trying to finally get professional pictures of Kegan for Halloween. I had her all dudded up in a super cute Halloween outfit her Aunt Alex made. We started off by stopping in at Nordstroms to get Kegan a black pair of shoes to wear with her outfit. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find a black non patent leather shoe in a size 3. No one makes plain shoes anymore. After we had the outfit complete we headed to Babies R Us only to find out the next sitting available was after her doctor's appointment. Not knowing how'd she look after he tortured her, we opted for Sunday instead. We did however, find lots of other things at Babies R Us to keep us occupied. Actually, the doctor thing turned out great. Kegan got her tear duct stent removed. I snapped a few pictures in the office while we waited. She did really well. We were out of there in 15 minutes. The doctor just made silly noises and quickly yanked the stent out with a tweezer....that's all. No fussing or crying. I don't know why she's so good for Dr. Norman. I need a straight jacket just to get her eye drops in. Thank goodness we only have to do that for 3 days this time.

This was the first picture attempt with her in my arms. As you can see my arms just weren't long enough to get all of Kegan in the picture.
Kegan was real excited when I sat her in the chair by herself!!

But then we started playing and it was all better.

This is Kegan playing the sharing game. She likes to hand stuff back and forth and say "thank you" or her version of it which sounds more like "ta".

More playing around.

I finally got her distracted enough to quickly put her bow back in. I think she knew something was up....what do you think?

She enjoyed looking out the window and pulling at the blinds while waiting...also a favorite past time at home.

Officially ready for Dr. Norman full of all her cuteness!
Since the stent pulling was really nothing, her eye looks totally normal. She had a little extra tearing for a few hours, but looks great. Now we get to battle her at home to put drops in....yeah! And, Kegan is teething again. Isn't she too young for molars? She has been chewing on all her sippies, toys, and pacifiers today. She even got one of her first good spankings for biting me really hard on the was the only way I got her to let go! She was giving sweet kisses, then decided to go piranha on me....geeze!