On Febuary 17th, God gracefully called our Grampy back to be with him. His poor body had been suffering for so long and while we were glad that God had mercy on him and ended his suffering, we will all miss him so much. For my entire life, there has always been Grammy and Grampy, they are a unit, always together, so it is gonna take some getting used to that it's just Grammy, now, but we sure still need our Grammy. She is the best! and I'm sure we don't tell her nearly enough. She is an awesome grandma. A truly amazing woman. Sadly, it is often tragedies that brings families together and this was no exception. It was the first time ever that my Grammy had all 16 of her grandchildren together. The service was beautiful. It was neat to see everybody, despite the cirscumstances. We enjoyed spending time with everyone. The girls were really going through Pan withdrawls since he moved so it was so great to see him. We were planning on spending that weekend here in Fort Worth with the Pepper's, so we just had to change our plans to be there instead.

All 16 cousins together
Also, it was the weekend before Mardi Gras, so to help get the all day long car crazies out of the girls before the funeral, we decided to let them enjoy some of the Mardi Gras festivities. We had an awesome place to stay for the Thibodaux parades....thanks Monica Burch. I couldn't believe I never thought of taking the girls to Mardi Gras before. They had such a great time. They are still talking about it. Definitely needs to be an annual thing.

Thanks Maddi for sharing your wagon float with the girls and Ava
This was what Maisy thought about the parades. She slept through both parades on Monica's bed. The windows and door was open and the noise didn't bother her one bit. Perhaps it in no way compares the the squeals and shrieks of her too older sisters.
Kegan was so glad to finally get to spend some time with Ava
Throw me somethin Mista!!!
the kids are bead and trinket magnets
passed out cold from all the fun. Still sporting the beads.