Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ballerina Kegan

Sunday there was a special on PBS featuring a ballet troop out of Europe somewhere. Kegan went nuts over it. Once she saw the ballerinas in their practice tutu's she was hooked! By the time they got to the videos of their performances, she couldn't take her eye off of their super ornate costumes. The were all "princesses"!!! These are two videos of Kegan with her eyes glued to the TV, trying her darndest to reproduce what she was watching. It is no masterpiece, but I think it is sweet and cute.

Everyone please say a little prayer for Madison. Daddy Daycare officially opens full-time Friday. I don't know if he really knows what he is in for....well, he probably does. He is excited about it and so am I. I think this quickly becoming the best thing we have ever done. He has been cooking dinner and fixin things around the house like crazy. He is planning meals using an online tool It is promoted by Dave Ramsey which is a Christian talk radio guru. So far, the meals have been good. I have tweeked some of the menus a bit, but not much. So far our food budget has been cut by almost 75%!!!! That alone is amazing. Between that and no daycare costs, we are hoping that we can break even. If we are a little short, no worries. Our life is already tremendously more balanced. We can feel what it is like to live again and not just survive!

Oh, news on Truly. She has now added "hello" to her vocabulary. She can now say "dada" and "hello". She holds her hand to her ear and pretends to talk on her fake her dada. No mama yet. We are trying so hard!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

1st time at the dentist

Last Friday, Kegan went to her 1st dentist appointment. She did GREAT!!! Everyone kept commenting on how well she was doing for her 1st time. Kegan let the dentist look in her mouth and poke her teeth with his little poker and the hygentist even cleaned Kegan's teeth with the polisher. We bought Kegan an electric toothbrush a few weeks ago to prepare her so guess that worked. The part I was most proud about was how good Kegan was for the 2hour ordeal. When I went for my checkup, I left 4hours later. Needless to say, we are finding a new dentist. They are way overbooked. We played a lot and practiced brushing the fake teeth and the stuffed monkey's teeth which helped pass some of the time.

This waiting isn't so bad...

I have time to practice my serious face.

and my scary face.

and more serious face....

are we done yet?

finally back in the dentist chair practicing brushing teeth

all done and they feel so clean!

Look at all those clean teeth! Ta-dah!

Princess Diva.....Snow Whaaaa?

and we finish up with Truly stealing the remote!