our super smiley Truly
Truly's short-lived new trick, she only sucked her thumb for a week, then gave it up.
The next few pictures are from our record snowfall of 12 inches over 24 hours. Kegan and her Daddy had the best time playing in it. I of course got to drive to work in it and did not get to play:( Kegan enjoyed the snow in short bursts. She would last about 15 minutes until her hands were frozen and beat red. This was Madison blowing on her hands.
Happy Snowmen!
This is the little Asian baby we adopted....Pu Wu. Not really, just Truly stuffed in her snowsuit. Her eyes look so squished from those chubby cheeks.It was amazing to look outside and think that this was our house. It was like being in vacation somewhere. Everything was so pretty covered in white.
This was after Madison and I started trying to get my car out so I could make it to work. It was a lot of "work" to get to work! Shoveling with a gardening spade is no fun. Kegan, however, did enjoy helping with her red garden shovel. It was much lighter than ours.
One day Truly will hate me for this, but her rolls are just so impressive. This was her at 3mos and she continues to grow and grow! The pediatrician assures me her weight should straighten out by 6mos, but I dunno?
Madison, Kegan, and Stran watching Cody and Kelly ride sheep at the Dickies PBR tournament here in February. Kegan loved watching the bull riding and the sheep riding.
That's too much Kegan!
Ahhhh, that's just right!
More sweet sister love! They are really so cute together. Truly adores her big sister.
Truly has finally started to lose all her hair, so we were experimenting with hairbows, since there isn't much to clip to anymore. Cute!
The next pictures are from Truly's 1st WalMart shopping experience sitting in the cart like a big girl! I had to prop her with a blanket to keep from falling over, but she really liked it.
Oooooh, there is so much stuff to look at and touch!
Hey Mama! I wanna toy!
I have lots more to add, but this mama has gotta get to bed. Truly is sick with yet another ear infection and I'm in severe sleep deprivation. We are seeing the ENT tomorrow. Probably looking at ear tubes soon.