Way back on August 17th, Kegan got her second set of ear tubes. Her first set lasted almost a year before one fell out and the other clogged. She immediately had 2 ear infections, so she was on the schedule for another set. She was such a great patient. They took her in for her surgery at 7:15 and we were home by 8. The hardest part was her asking for cereal all morning while she pointed to her diaper bag.

A reluctant Kegan trying to decide why all the other kids are dressed just like her

Finally breaking loose and starting to explore

What is this thing?
The coolest thing was a bubble blowing Stitch. It quickly ran out of bubbles. You can hear her say that the bubbles are wet when one busts on her head.

Wow? these look so much cooler while you are drunk from anesthesia.

A little more awake and popsicle number 3.
kegan had a record 3 popsicles at the hospital. It was the only thing that kept her from crying while she was all confused coming out of the anesthesia. Once we were home, she begged for her milk and ate 2 eggs over easy....it was supposed to be me and her Daddy's breakfast. I worried abou her eating solids so soon, but figured if she hadn't puked the 3 popsicles up yet, she was good....and she was. Aunt Sherry came by later to watch her while Mommy and Daddy went back to work and she was like nothing ever happened. Thanks Aunt Sherry for staying with me.