Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Relaxing Sunday with the Family

Today was a great day for us. We started the day out with a 7am run. Madison ran 10 miles and Kegan and I hung back for a leisurely run just the two of us. It was a bit nippy out, almost considered wrapping Kegan in a blanket, but figured she'd have it off in a few minutes. She actually stayed awake for most of the run, only falling asleep on the way back when I took it offroad on the rock path. Ava, please note in the picture, Kegan is keeping a close eye on your rattle. I almost wonder if she hid it on purpose before you guys left to return home. Kegan with Ava's rattle

While Jen was here a few weeks back, we spent a lot of time on ebay looking at kids clothes (we couldn't help ourselves). Jen found some really cute coats, and I ended up buying one for Kegan. Gaygay, this one is for you. You will love it. I've been promising pictures of Kegan in it, but she's been so moody lately with being sick and all, I haven't gotten any untill today.

My little passie girl

Hey, why did you take that Mom?

Looks like a normal coat so far!

Check out her sweet new kicks!

Oh, my! Kegan's been swallowed by a flower!!!

This is embarassing, I'm outta here!

Thank you Mommy for taking that hot thing off! Check out my horsey in the pocket....cute!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Kegan the Hippie

Sorry no blogging for a while. We have all been deathly ill.....not really, that is exaggerating a tiny bit! Kegan just keeps on bringing these horrible viruses home from daycare and our immune systems just aren't up to fighting them. Last week she shared one that made it to her Paran Aaron, and he then passed it around at work. It even caused us to take Kegan to the after hours clinic for the first time Tuesday night. She was screaming her head off at us and wouldn't take her bottle. I was scared because it was so unlike her. Suppose I should feel fortunate that this was the first time we have experienced that.
So today, we are all finally better-ish and we just hung out. Kegan had a breakfast of only table food this morning with us. She is getting so big. She shared sausage, eggs, and biscuit with me and Daddy. Even did well with the sausage. After breakfast we headed out to Southlake Town Center for some shopping. We were hunting real shoes for Kegan since she is about to walk. The Target cheapies aren't cutting it anymore. They hurt her feet and she won't even stand in them. We found 2 pairs of shoes and a bunch of clothes of course. A big bonus was that Aunt Sherry joined us for lunch and helped us find our way around. She even bought Kegan a darling little dress. It is in the wash now so she can wear it soon. (Thanks so much Aunt Sherry!!!) We had a great time shopping and visiting. Kegan did relatively well, especially since Madison and I forgot to pack her lunch. Left it on the counter at home. We tried to wing it only to find out she is not a fan of the PB&J we bought her. Maybe in time cause what kid doesn't like PB&J, I mean except for me. All-in-all a good day. Can't wait until tomorrow so we can hang out some more. We'll try to remember to take some more pictures.

The Hippie Child

Kegan jammin out!

What you talking bout Willlis?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hurricane Gustav and our visitors

It's been a while since I've posted. Things have been a little out of sorts to say the least. My Mom, Mom's parents, and my sister along with her family all evacuated here for hurricane Gustav last Saturday. While I've enjoyed the unplanned family time, it has really been hard on them. They keep worrying about imposing on us, but it is the least we can do. They are the ones suffering with their homes in disarray, unable to return there, because after a week, they still don't have power. Most of the men are back there trying to begin the repair process as well as they can. Food, gas, and supplies are scarce with few stores open. Those that do open have limited supplies and operating hours. All of the damage is mostly from the wind. Roofs messed up pretty bad with some water damage, but no flooding.

On the brighter side, Nana has had much quality time with both her girls. It has also been so great for Kegan to spend time with Ava. They are really cute together. they are so jealous of each other when Nana is around. She can't hold one without the other, but don't think she minds for a bit. She loves the attention from those little rascals.

Proud Nana and her girls!

After a week of being stranded at my house, we decided to give Evan a break and head to Six Flags for the day. It was Kegan's first trip there. She did so good. We were so proud of Evan. He went on the Tony Hawk ride and Judge Roy Scream. He has a history of being a little chicken when it comes to rollercoasters. Happy Birthday Kirk!!!!! We are so sorry to have such a good time on your birthday while you are stuck without electricity for the 3rd day since you've been home. We really were thinking about you. Thank you for being such a great Dad and husband and protecting and repairing the homestead for Jen.

Kegan happy to be at Six Flags!

She passed out for her morning nap shortly after we arrived. Note the left leg over the side. She gets that from me and her Pawpa! We can't sit straight, it's obviously genetic.

Evan and Jen riding on the Batman jets

Kegan checking things out on the train. Kegan really enjoyed the train ride in the park. It is a real train, noises and all. We sat just in front of the conductor, so Kegan had a great time watching him and waving at him. She stood up the entire time checking everything out.

Kegan and Daddy being silly at the train depot. You can see the conductor in the background letting people on and off the train.

Daddy stealing sugars before the train left the depot.

Crawling around with Mom on the train.

Oh my! That train whistle is loud!!!!

It was hot, we were tired and sweaty, so about 4 or so, we called it a day. It was some Texas festival something or another, at Six Flags and they had hometown vendors set up everywhere selling their little mom-n-pop stuff. Just outside the entrance we came across someone selling kettle corn and had to stop. Next door to that booth, was a man selling little pine children's and baby doll furniture. We came across this little swing and just had to get it for the girls. Aren't they so cute in it!?

Kegan and Ava sharing the swing.....well, sort of!

We also got this little wagon (you can see part of it at the bottom of the picture). It has a leather pull string and works well for pulling blocks and other toys around. Ava has tested it out for it's pull-ability and it works great. Kegan is still a little small for that, but will be there soon.

Had to throw this picture in because it is so darn cute. Kegan sort of reminds me of this.....